Saturday, February 21, 2015

OOTD 2/21/15

Hey y'all! Sorry for the lack of posts... today it was finally warm enough to go outside without a coat on and not instantly turn into a human icicle. This past week, the windchill was down to -30 degrees. AND I still had school. Yikes. Luckily we had a heat wave today, and it is currently up to a whopping POSITIVE 31 degrees!! With this weather, layers have been my best friends. My go-to has been layering a sweater under my Charles River jacket, and of course my down winter coat over it.

Obsessed with my dog socks from Gap.

Monogrammed jacket (Marley Lilly), Leggings (Nordstrom), Socks (Gap), and of course Bean Boots (still  on backorder).

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